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Live Love Your Passion #GoGetter

Writer: All Things MelaninAll Things Melanin

Updated: Dec 8, 2019

We're always encouraging our tribe to go after their passion. Passion is an energy that you can feel from what excites you! Being passionate about something is one of the most beautiful characteristics you can develop. The ultimate goal is to love the life you live, and live the life you love - with passion. Our #GoGetter spotlight this month highlights Sherwanna Livingston, founder of Live Love Your Passion Branding Agency.

What’s your definition of a Go-Getter? My definition of a Go-Getter is someone who has tunnel vision. When you have tunnel vision, you do not allow any distractions to deter you from your ultimate destination. Being a Go-Getter takes extreme resilience, faith, and determination.

Introduce Live Love Your Passion and why you decided to start a consulting agency?

Live Love Your Passion is a branding agency that helps entrepreneurs and visionaries get their business in alignment with their purpose through brand strategy and design. I first started Live Love Your Passion as a youtube channel to inspire visionaries from all walks of life to follow their passion. After a few months, I realized that LLYP was not only a way to motivate others but a way to use my practical skills, education, and talent to help others through my branding services.

What is your ultimate goal for Live Love Your Passion?

My ultimate goal for LLYP is to create a full-service branding agency that is a one-stop-shop for all things branding. I want my clients to literally come in and get strategy, photography, design, media relations, and motivation all in one! I know it sounds like an ambitious goal but I have no doubt that it is possible.

What made you specifically want to cater to small businesses and new entrepreneurs with your consulting agency?

In college, I was a Public Relations major and most of my classes focused on creating strategic communication plans for large corporations. I also learned about advertising, logo creation, and market research. My Senior year in school it finally hit me. I realized that there was a huge gap between small businesses and big businesses. Who was helping the small businesses and entrepreneurs with everything I had just learned? It was at that moment that I decided not to go to work for a big business but to provide my services to small business owners with big dreams.

For new entrepreneurs or small businesses who may be struggling or thinking about giving up because they’re not seeing results, what’s a piece of advice you would give them?

Nothing worthwhile comes easy. Think about any big accomplishment you have made previously in your life. Would it have been as sweet if you didn’t have to be resilient and put your hard work, sweat, and tears into your goal? On your journey, you only need to be clear on two things: why you started and where you’re going. You don’t have to be clear on the process in between. That’s God’s job. All you have to do is act in His will consistently and the steps of the staircase will continue to appear right before you. You have a unique purpose and if you give up now, you are robbing everyone from being inspired by your greatness.

What makes your consulting agency unique and sets you apart from agencies that offer similar services?

What makes LLYP different than other consulting agencies is that we are driven by a bigger purpose. We believe that our clients ideas can change the world. That is why we are so big on building brands that are fueled by passion and brands that are aligned with a bigger purpose.

What has been an “aha” moment for you that made you realize you were doing what you are supposed to be doing?

My very first “aha” moment happened when I received one of my first comments under a video on my Youtube channels. The comment stated, “This gave me so much confidence to start up these different projects that I want to start. I’ve been so hesitant because of the criticism I may receive and self doubt! I have to just go for it like you said…” This comment made me feel the power of inspiration. It made me realize that I was finally walking in my element and doing what I was called to do.

What has been one of the most rewarding moments you have encountered so far?

My most rewarding moments are ongoing. I can’t say there is one moment that has been the MOST rewarding. Every time I see my clients light up with belief in themselves and their dreams, I feel rewarded.

What has been a challenge that you’ve had to overcome?

One of the main challenges I’ve had to overcome is imposter syndrome! God keeps telling me to be fearless and to go harder, but I keep questioning Him. Who am I to do these things? Why me? Am I good enough? Even though I know I have what it takes, I often find myself struggling with self-belief. It is an ongoing struggle that I must conquer every single morning when I look in the mirror. Lately, it has been a lot easier because I have become a lot more self-aware by meditating and engaging in other personal development techniques.

You work full time and have two beautiful daughters, what does balance look like for you?

So I have not worked full-time in over a year but I did attend school full time. I just recently picked up a job last week and so far it has been EXTREMELY challenging. Balance so far is all about planning in advance and cherishing every moment. My time has become a lot more valuable to me. I do not engage in anything that wastes my time or does not add value. I’m beginning to realize that this is going to be a test of my perseverance and faith! I’m learning that balance is all about being in flow and just being grateful for the journey.

What keeps you motivated to keep persevering?

What keeps me motivated is my belief system. I know I was put here for something more, and until I fulfill that purpose I will keep going. My daughters are also my motivation. I want them to see what it’s like to not only be a women of power, but a woman who is chosen and led by God.

How can people keep up with Live Love Your Passion?

Keep up with Live Love Your Passion by subscribing to our With Purpose Newsletter at! You’ll receive a monthly newsletter with branding and marketing tips, motivation, freebies, promos, and much more! You can also follow us on social media - IG: @liveloveyourpassion, FB - Live Love Your Passion, and Youtube

Need help with branding or just want someone to talk about your upcoming idea? Schedule a free consultation at

Is there anything else you want our readers to know?

You don’t have to “find” your passion. You were already born with it. God put it in a place where it would never be hard to find --- Within.



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